Hello, I'm
Steve Harrison
(a.k.a. QuintusQuill)
I live just outside of Canberra, Australia and enjoy designing, programming, photography, cinematography, and in general, a mixture of the technical and creative. I love all things Apple (usually) and particularly enjoy developing for Mac/iPhone. In June 2010, I attended WWDC10. I'm currently developing some iPhone apps in between studying...
Steve on the Web
- steve@quintusquill.com ← Email address for general stuff
- /console ← My old blog that is no longer active
- sculptedcode.com ← Graphics and Programming
- fourthexposure.com ← Photography
- twitter/quintusquill ← Things I find interesting. Mostly links.
- ember/quintusquill ← Screenshots of nice design.
Facts about Steve
- I like cats and eating (very closely related, somehow...)
- I like designing beautiful UIs, icons, and general graphics stuff
- I like writing beautiful, well-documented, and efficient code
- I like using brackets rather than dot notation in Objective-C
- If there’s a language worse than JavaScript, I don’t want to know about it
- Favourite movie: Atonement
- Other movies I really enjoyed (in no particular order): The Star Wars sexology, Welcome to the Sticks, Ratatouille, Mr Bean's Holiday, Johnny English, Avatar, and the The Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Bourne trilogies.
- I love Lego
My Toys
- iPhone 4
- iPod touch 2G
- MacBook Pro 15"
- Mac Pro 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Zeon, 4 GB 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM (Running 10.6) with 2 23" Apple Cinema Displays
Programming languages/environments that I have used:
- Objective-C
- AppleScript
- JavaScript
- Cocoa/Cocoa-Touch
- Wordpress
- MooTools